Consent form
Objective and procedure
We are researchers from the BIRD team at LORIA and we are conducting an experiment to study the relevance of different actions to reduce one's carbon footprint. Our long-term goal is to develop a recommendation system for such actions.
The experiment will have three stages. The first stage will simply consist of a questionnaire, allowing the researchers to acquire prior knowledge about the participants' environment. In the second stage, actions to reduce one's carbon footprint will be proposed, which the participants will be free to accept or refuse. A few days after each of these requests, the researchers will come back to the participants to ask if the action has been completed. This stage will end on 23 July, and will result in a final questionnaire.
Anonymity and confidentiality
The data collected will consist of the list of participants' email addresses, the answers to the questionnaires, the list of proposed actions and the list of completed actions. A random identification number will be given to each participant. All data collected will be stored anonymously and confidentially, with the exception of a table of correspondence between email addresses and participant identification numbers which will be deleted once the third stage of the experiment has been completed. Anonymised data will be kept for a maximum of two years. No data will be used for commercial or industrial purposes or passed on to an unauthorised third party.
Potential risks
There are no known risks involved in participating in this study.
Freedom to withdraw
The participant may leave the experiment at any time without giving any reason. At the written request of the participant, the data can be deleted or made available to him/her. To do so, please contact us at (please do not forget to state your identification number, which you provided during the experiment, as the data is anonymised and we would otherwise be unable to find you).
Protection of your personal data
The basis of the data processing is your consent.
The recipients are the researchers of the BIRD team of the LORIA laboratory.
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation N°2016/679 (RGPD) and the amended law 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the participant also has the rights of access, rectification, opposition and limitation. These rights can be exercised at by specifying the identification number transmitted during the experiment.
For any information or complaint about the protection of your personal data, you can contact the university's data protection officer at this address: or consult the website of the Commission nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) at this address:
By clicking on the "Next" button, I declare that I have read this consent form and that I understand the conditions of my participation in this study. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and have obtained all the answers I require, if any.
Il y a 1 question dans ce questionnaire.